Course Description
In this workshop we will examine all aspects of good governance. The sessions will enable you to explore what represents good governance at an operational level so that you can apply the learning in your day to day work.
Each session will be divided into two main areas. In the first, we will consider the formal and structural context and administration of good governance: how the NHS is managed, inspected and regulated.
​In the second part you will focus on the practicalities of good governance. This includes considering what are the information and data requirements to ensure that you are able to report on the quality and safety of your services. This will also involve examining what meetings or other processes need to be in place for the collecting, dissemination and discussion of this information, how often they should convene, and how they should be managed.
​Finally, you will be involved in designing your own governance framework and be provided with a practical checklist to use in your day to day work
At the end of the session, you will have:
explored what governance is
an enhanced understanding of how the NHS, the trust and individual divisions and directorates are managed, and how that relates to your work area
explored what is required for your role in providing and supporting good governance for your area
covered the key skills and building blocks for establishing and maintaining good governance
identified risk at an operational level, and considered how to prevent and reduce risk
enhanced your understanding of what regulators, assessors and inspectors coming into your area will expect to see and observe
Good Governance
In this workshop we will examine all aspects of good governance.
The sessions will enable you to explore what represents good governance at an operational level so that you can apply the learning in your day to day work.
We offer tailored packages for different staffing groups clinicians, managers and senior managers and associate directors.
Clinical Staff
Senior Managers and Associate Directors
Meet your trainer
Howard Scott
Howard has worked in the NHS for over thirty-four years. A former nurse, he is a leader with extensive experience of working at ward, directorate, divisional, trust, regional and national levels in clinical and managerial posts.
He has wide-ranging experience in governance, risk and change management, including quality and safety systems and processes.
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